Minnie Mouse Costumes

The Walt Disney Company may be "the house the mouse built," but the mouse didn't build it alone. Mickey had help! His true love, Minnie Mouse, joined him in 68 films, both short and feature-length. She's been in countless TV episodes as well.
Minnie and Mickey have flirted their way into the hearts of generations of kids (and their parents) since their debut in 1928. Mickey himself calls Minnie his "sweetie down in the chicken house, neither fat nor skinny, she's the horse's whinny, she's my little Minnie Mouse!" Minnie often played the role of damsel in distress, giving Mickey the chance to rescue her and be a hero. But on at least one occasion, the tables were turned and Minnie did the rescuing. In other films, she's a happy and carefree dancer or a social butterfly.
If you want to become Minnie, you'll need to develop a liking for the color red and for polka dots. And maybe find a pair of over-sized pumps for shoes. Oh, and don't forget the mouse ears and big hair bow. We have Minnie mouse adult costumes, infant costumes, and women's plus, in styles from traditional to cute to sexy. And we have plenty of accessories, too, for the perfect finishing touch.
So go ahead, plan a picnic with Mickey, or a shopping expedition with Daisy Duck. You'll step out in true Disney style!