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Jango Fett Costumes

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Become the iconic bounty hunter and genetic template for the clone army with one of our Jango Fett costumes! We feature Jango Fett kids costumes as well as a Jango Fett costume adult outfit. Shop them all right here to look just like the mercenary with the cool blue Mandalorian armor!
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Childs Jango Fett Deluxe Costume
Sale - 42%
Mandalorian Beskar Armor Men's Costume
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Jango Fett Deluxe Costume
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Jango Fett Child Costume
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Deluxe Jango Fett Helmet
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The introduction of Jango Fett in Attack of the Clones turned out to be one of those a-ha moments for Star Wars fans. Building upon the cult like status of Boba Fett from the original triology, George Lucas decided to weave the Fett legacy into the storylines of the prequels. When Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango meet on Kamino, you just know they are going to have a showdown, and audiences did not have to wait long. While Jango Fett ultimately meets his end in the film, we are introduced to a young Boba, and get a peak at some of the storylines that will be set in the Clone Wars animated saga.

With one of our costumes, you'll be able to be the famed bounty hunter and template of the clone army. Our deluxe version replicates his armored suit to a tee, and we've also got costumes for your little ones. There is just one thing to remember when portraying the one of the infamous Fetts: Do not forget the rocket backpack! Being able to rocket out of a sticky situation is invaluable to anyone in the bounty hunting trade. (Note: our Jango Fett Backpack, while awesome, does not have functioning rockets) Monster