Adult Nurse Costumes

Everyone is relieved when the nurse walks into the room. Nurses are comforting and offer a lot of support to a patient, so it is easy to see why dressing up as a nurse is so popular. And when you decide on going as a nurse for Halloween, we want you to stand out with a top costume!
We have adult nurse costumes in a wide variety of styles. You could pick out a classic scrubs outfit or even a risque nurse dress depending on what kind of theme you're going for. We offer nurse costumes from all different time periods, too. Want to look like a combat nurse? No problem, we have World War 2 nurse costumes and even a Clara Barton costume from the Civil War. The iconic look of a 1950s nurse outfit makes for a great retro look that's perfect for any throwback party.
No matter the hospital, healthcare setting, or era you have in mind for your costume character, we have a nurse costume that will be a perfect fit. Shop them all right here to see our entire selection!