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Flash Costumes

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Get your Flash costumes in a hurry before they sell out. Become the speediest DC Comics superhero in the franchise by wearing The Flash costume from the hit movies, or become like the classic comic book Flash with one of our throwback styles. We have these costumes for men, teens, boys and even ladies. So, go on, get speedy!
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Have you ever sat and pondered what it would take to make you faster than other normal humans and also help you become friends with the Green Lantern? We thought so. For you, we offer a Flash costume as a solution to your dilemma.

The Flash is a DC Comics character that is known for his super-speed, superhuman reflexes, defying the laws of physics, his 'quantum tunneling' abilities, time travel abilities and his ability to heal more rapidly than average humans. He can also think and speak in highly accelerated rates. Also, it should be said that The Flash and Superman occasionally get into it and decide to race each other. A lot of those races have ended in a tie due to outside influences. But ultimately, the Flash is much faster and can easily outpace the Man of Steel.

While the Flash Halloween costume itself may not endow you with actual superpowers, tricking others into believing you have the powers is not too hard. Tell them you can run around the outside of the building you are in less time than it takes them to blink their eyes. Slightly shift your stance and ask if they want to see it again. Make a few brief sounds that sound like gibberish, then say you just recited the Declaration of Independence 4 times. Trust us, when you pull these stunts while wearing the suit people will be impressed. Monster