Military Costumes

"ATTENTION! Soldiers, I need your undivided attention, so listen up! When you report for duty, on time of course, you must be dressed head to toe in uniform! Or else, you will have to drop and give me 50, push-ups! Then you must go to the bar and do 50 pull-ups! You better heed these orders or else you will be kicked off the squad. Oh, and you must address me as 'your drill master!' Now complete the obstacle course in under 10 minutes! On your mark, get set, GO!"
You better be sure to follow your drill sergeant's orders or else you will be sorry. First things first, you got to look the part! We can help you out there. We have a vast collection of military costumes- army, navy, formal or informal, we will have you looking combat ready! For women who love vintage fashion, we sell sexy USO girl or you can look pretty in a Paratrooper Costume. Guys will love looking like a tough Navy Seal or a WW2 Army Solider. Plus, boys and girls will look cute in one of our many camo costumes. Don't dissappoint your drill sergeant, and show up looking like you are ready for battle!